
Grid Edge Transactions and GDPR’s Right to Erasure

Flux Tailor, working with LO3 Energy, researched GDPR regulation right to erasure request (“Article 17”) precedents, and academic literature to consider data privacy regulation implications as they related to the energy usage data processed by LO3 Energy. Our goal was to learn whether 15 minute interval energy consumption data is considered “personal data”. We studied GDPR test and cases to discover when a deletion request for such data is submitted under GDPR Section 3, Article 17 Right to Erasure (“Right to be Forgotten”), then what data needs to be deleted, and what data may be retained?

Download our industry brief here to learn more

3rd Parties and Beyond: Promoting Innovation Through Energy Data Sharing with “Nth Parties”

Flux Tailor collaborated with Mission:data on reviewing the policy and technology roadblocks hampering energy customer data sharing by the parties involved in providing innovative clean energy tools, packaging their findings in the white paper “3rd Parties and Beyond: Promoting Innovation Through Data Sharing with “Nth Parties””. Special focus was given to the inherent limitations of regulation and technology solutions intended to enable data sharing that only considers “third parties”, effectively ignoring that more than just a single third party is often involved in customer authorized energy data. The paper was sponsored by Mission:data member Amperon, which provides AI-powered electricity forecasts derived from high-resolution AMI data.

Urjanet Utility Data Guru Series

A white paper and webinar series for beginners to pros created by Flux Tailor to explore the challenges of handling utility data, and possible solutions to these common challenges.

The white papers can be dowloaded by clicking any of the images below. Video go webinars covering each of the three topics are available here. While the pdf and video files are free to access, Urjanet does require your email address.